Bộ nguồn Omron S8VS Series

    SKU: S8VS-Series
    Thương hiệu: Omron
    Bảo hành: Chính hãng
    Chứng từ: CO/CQ

    Nguồn điện nguồn cấp :100-240VAC.
    Nguồn điện áp đầu ra : 24VDC
    Dòng điện đầu ra : 3.8A
    Gắn thanh rail.

    Liên hệ

    Mua ngay
    (Đơn giá chưa bao gồm chi phí vận chuyển)

    Omron S8VS Series


    Input voltage Output
    Output current UL Class 2
    Model number
    (screw terminal
    Model number
    terminal block)
    15 W 100 to 240 VAC
    (allowable range:
    85 to 264 VAC or
    80 to 370 VDC *3)
    5 V 2.0 A Yes S8VS-01505 *1
    12 V 1.2 A Yes S8VS-01512
    24 V 0.65 A Yes S8VS-01524
    30 W 5 V 4.0 A Yes S8VS-03005 *2
    12 V 2.5 A Yes S8VS-03012
    24 V 1.3 A Yes S8VS-03024
    60 W 24 V 2.5 A Yes S8VS-06024 S8VS-06024-F
    90 W 3.75 A S8VS-09024 S8VS-09024-F
    Yes S8VS-09024S S8VS-09024S-F
    120 W 5 A S8VS-12024 S8VS-12024-F
    180 W 7.5 A S8VS-18024 S8VS-18024-F
    240 W 10 A S8VS-24024 S8VS-24024-F
    480 W 100 to 240 VAC 20 A
    Peak current 30 A
    S8VS-48024 S8VS-48024-F


    *1. The output capacity of the S8VS-01505 is 10 W.
    *2. The output capacity of the S8VS-03005 is 20 W.
    *3. The range for compliance with EC Directives and safety standards (UL, EN, etc.) is 100 to 240 VAC (85 to 264 VAC).

    Models with Indication Monitor (Maintenance Forecast Monitor)


    UL Class 2
    Model number
    (screw terminal
    Model number
    terminal block)
    60 W 100 to 240
    range: 85 to
    264 VAC or
    80 to 370
    VDC *1)
    24 V 2.5 A Yes S8VS-06024A S8VS-06024A-F
    90 W 3.75 A Sinking S8VS-09024A S8VS-09024A-F
    Sinking Yes S8VS-09024AS S8VS-09024AS-F
    Sourcing S8VS-09024AP S8VS-09024AP-F
    Sourcing Yes S8VS-09024APS S8VS-09024APS-F
    120 W 5 A Sinking S8VS-12024A S8VS-12024A-F
    Sourcing S8VS-12024AP S8VS-12024AP-F
    180 W 7.5 A Sinking S8VS-18024A S8VS-18024A-F
    Sourcing S8VS-18024AP S8VS-18024AP-F
    240 W 10 A Sinking S8VS-24024A S8VS-24024A-F
    Sourcing S8VS-24024AP S8VS-24024AP-F
    480 W 100 to 240
    20 A
    Peak current
    30 A
    S8VS-48024A S8VS-48024A-F


    *1. The range for compliance with EC Directives and safety standards (UL, EN, etc.) is 100 to 240 VAC (85 to 264 VAC).
    *2. In the Alarm output column,”sinking” indicates an emitter COM and “sourcing” indicates a collector COM.

    Models with Indication Monitor (Total Run Time Monitor)


    UL Class 2
    Model number
    (screw terminal
    Model number
    terminal block)
    60 W 100 to 240
    range: 85 to
    264 VAC or
    80 to 370
    VDC) *1
    24 V 2.5 A Yes S8VS-06024B S8VS-06024B-F
    90 W 3.75 A S8VS-09024BE S8VS-09024BE-F
    Yes S8VS-09024BES S8VS-09024BES-F
    Sinking S8VS-09024B S8VS-09024B-F
    Sinking Yes S8VS-09024BS S8VS-09024BS-F
    Sourcing S8VS-09024BP S8VS-09024BP-F
    Sourcing Yes S8VS-09024BPS S8VS-09024BPS-F
    120 W 5 A S8VS-12024BE S8VS-12024BE-F
    Sinking S8VS-12024B S8VS-12024B-F
    Sourcing S8VS-12024BP S8VS-12024BP-F
    180 W 7.5 A S8VS-18024BE S8VS-18024BE-F
    Sinking S8VS-18024B S8VS-18024B-F
    Sourcing S8VS-18024BP S8VS-18024BP-F
    240 W 10 A S8VS-24024BE S8VS-24024BE-F
    Sinking S8VS-24024B S8VS-24024B-F
    Sourcing S8VS-24024BP S8VS-24024BP-F
    480 W 100 to 240
    20 A
    Peak current
    30 A
    S8VS-48024B S8VS-48024B-F


    *1. The range for compliance with EC Directives and safety standards (UL, EN, etc.) is 100 to 240 VAC (85 to 264 VAC).
    *2. In the Alarm output column, “sinking” indicates an emitter COM and “sourcing” indicates a collector COM.
    Note: Refer to Data Sheet for the options that available.

    Terminal Block Cover (Order Separately)


    S8VS Input side Output side
    15W S82Y-VS-C2P-S
    30W S82Y-VS-C2P-S
    60W S82Y-VS-C3P S82Y-VS-C2P-M
    90W S82Y-VS-C3P S82Y-VS-C2P-M
    120W S82Y-VS-C3P S82Y-VS-C2P-M
    180W S82Y-VS-C3P S82Y-VS-C4P
    240W S82Y-VS-C3P S82Y-VS-C4P
    480W S82Y-VS-C3P


    Note: Terminal block cover attaches to the body. Please order from the loss time.

    Mounting Brackets


    Name Model
    Side-mounting Bracket (for 15- and 30-W models) S82Y-VS30P
    Side-mounting Bracket (for 60-, 90-, and 120-W models) S82Y-VS10S
    Side-mounting Bracket (for 180-W models) S82Y-VS15S
    Side-mounting Bracket (for 240-W models) S82Y-VS20S
    Front-mounting Bracket (for 60-, 90-, 120-, 180-, and 240-W models) * S82Y-VS10F

    Omron S8VS Series


    Product Description
    Power supply, plastic case, 22.5 mm wide DIN rail or direct panel mounting, 100/240 VAC supply, 10 W, 5 VDC, 2.0 A output
    Power supply, plastic case, 22.5 mm wide DIN rail or direct panel mounting, 100/240 VAC supply, 15 W, 12 VDC, 1.2 A output
    Power supply, plastic case, 22.5 mm wide DIN rail or direct panel mounting, 100/240 VAC supply, 15 W, 24 VDC, 0.65 A output
    Power supply, plastic case, 22.5 mm wide DIN rail or direct panel mounting, 100/240 VAC supply, 20 W, 5 VDC, 4 A output
    Power supply, plastic case, 22.5 mm wide DIN rail or direct panel mounting, 100/240 VAC supply, 30 W, 12 VDC, 2.5 A output
    Power supply, plastic case, 22.5 mm wide DIN rail or direct panel mounting, 100/240 VAC supply, 30 W, 24 VDC, 1.3 A output
    Power supply, 60 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 2.5 A output, DIN rail mounting, basic model
    Power supply, 60 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 24VDC 2.5A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and maintenance monitor function
    Power supply, 60 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 2.5 A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time function
    Power supply, 90W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 3.75A output, DIN rail mounting, basic model
    Power supply, 90 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 24 VDC 3.75A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and maintenance monitor function with settable alarm point
    Power supply, 120 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 5 A output, DIN rail mounting, basic model
    Power supply, 120 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 24VDC 5A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and maintenance monitor function with settable alarm point
    Power supply, 240 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 5 A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and forecast monitoring function with settable alarm point
    Power supply, 120 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 24 VDC 5A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time function with settable alarm point
    Power supply, 240 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 5 A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time function with settable alarm point
    Power supply, 180W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 7.5A output, DIN rail mounting, basic model
    Power supply, 180W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 7.5A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and maintenance monitor function with settable alarm point
    Power supply, 180W, 100-240VAC input, 24VDC 7.5A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and maintenance monitor function with settable alarm point
    Power supply, 180W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 7.5A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time function with settable alarm point
    Power supply, 240 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 10 A output, DIN rail mounting, basic model
    Power supply, 240 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 10 A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display running voltage and current, peak current, and forecast monitoring function with settable alarm point
    Power supply, 240 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 24VDC 10 A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time function with settable alarm point
    Power supply, 240 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 10 A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time function with settable alarm point
    Power supply, 480 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 20 A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display running voltage and current, peak current, and forecast monitoring function with settable alarm point
    Power supply, 480 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 20 A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time function with settable alarm point


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    Bộ nguồn Omron S8VS Series
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